When have you felt both Calm and Excited?

When have you felt both Calm and Excited?

Living In the Current™

Since renaming my company In the Current¹, I’ve enjoyed hearing other people’s reactions and what comes to mind for them when they think of “living in the current”.

Today’s tip is about something I’m often asked. Is the metaphor of a current meant to convey calmness and serenity or exhilaration and excitement? Great question. The answer is both.

How You’ll Know

In the last issue, you were introduced to Lydia, the human resources consultant who is planning to venture into artisanal food production in the next phase of her career. Prior to creating her actual transition plan, I asked her to imagine herself already succeeding in this new venture and to describe what it would feel like. As she pictured the future in her mind she commented, “While I realize this can be contradictory, I have a feeling of calm, comfort, and excitement.”

I marveled that Lydia had used two of the exact words I had written down when forming In the Current™ that described how clients often feel after our coaching: calm, peaceful, affirmed, clear, hopeful, confident, and excited.

I can think of several times I’ve felt these two emotions simultaneously: when I resigned from my corporate career and opened my coaching business when I started dating my husband, when we moved across the country, and now, as I expand my business in new ways.

If you are attempting something new and you feel both calm and excited, that’s a good indication that you’re on the right track. The calm part lets you know that your pursuit is grounded in something important and true for you. It reminds you to be patient. The excited part tells you that you’re likely on a path of growth, that there is an unknown element, a daring, an aspect that is beyond your complete control. The excitement builds as you take bold action in the direction you want to go.

Where Are You Now?

Allowing yourself to be guided by a deep sense of purpose produces a momentum that brings both peace and excitement to your life. Think of a time when these two feelings arose side by side. What was happening in your life? What do you remember from that experience that can inform you now?

This Week, ask yourself these questions:

  • What would make me feel more peaceful/purposeful about where I am and where I’m going in life?
  • What can I do to raise my excitement – the degree to which I am growing and feeling fully engaged with life?
  • What action can I take to move more fully into the current?

¹You can read the story of how I came to name my company In the Current™ here.


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