
Take the Good (Part 2 of 2)

Last time, in Get Ready for Something Good, we talked about preparing your heart and mind for good things to happen. Now let’s look at the ability to receive. The question is: What does it take to take the good?

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What Have You Learned About Joy?

Today’s issue is #3 is a three-part series and is a follow-up to: A Good Day

A Necessity, Not a Luxury

Whatever makes you happy. Depending on the context, that phrase can sound trite, if not sarcastic. It seems on some level, we think happiness is a luxury that dare not be entertained in a world with so many problems. Yet now more than ever, I believe that happiness and joy are essential to our lives. Borrowing a line from a Maya Angelou quotation, “We need joy as we need air.” Read more

When Life Gives You a Break, Take It

As Humbling As It May Be

At my high school, Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker was the dance club’s annual tradition. Soon after the school year began, roles were assigned and months of dedicated practice would follow. There were no tryouts, and as I recall, the two teachers who ran the production determined lead roles over a bottle of wine. Furthermore, seniority ruled: As a freshman, I marched in formation with all the other toy soldiers in musty old band uniforms inherited from the local boys’ prep school; in sophomore year most of my classmates were gingerbread men and flutes, so I was lucky to be dancing the Waltz of the Flowers; and in junior year, I ascended to the role of Snow Queen. Read more