
You Are Not Your Job Title

Is Security Possible in Today’s Economy?

“There’s no such thing as job security anymore.” That’s the prevalent philosophy being expressed today, usually followed with statistics on the average number of changes you can expect to make over the course of your career. Career counselors encourage us to be flexible, retool as necessary, and learn to be comfortable with marketing ourselves. This advice points us in the direction of creating a new kind of security, one that’s portable.

What I’ve also seen in coaching people through change is that another key contributor to feeling more secure is the ability to comprehend the Who vs. What distinction. Read more

What You and Pavarotti Have In Common

King of the High C’s

Can you imagine being so affected by a single musical performance that you would return 17 curtain calls in appreciation? That was what the audience gave Luciano Pavarotti after he masterfully delivered nine high C’s in a row during a performance of Donizetti’s “La Fille du Regiment” at New York’s Metropolitan Opera in 1972. The high C, an octave above middle C on the piano, is one of the highest notes in the tenor range. Approaching it means stepping out to the edge, even for a master. Pavarotti described it this way:

“When singing high notes, I feel like a show jumper before a 2-meters-plus bar. Stretched to my limits. Excited and happy, but with a strong undercurrent of fear. The moment I actually hit the note, I almost lose consciousness. A physical, animal sensation seizes me. Then, after it has been successfully negotiated, I regain control.” (1) Read more

Knowing Your Purpose

All the Way to Thriving

In the last issue, All the Way to Thriving, I stated that thriving goes beyond success, means having a sense of purpose, and is something you define for yourself. The close-up below conveys the story of one of my clients, Lydia¹, and how she came to identify her purpose. Read more

Giving Words To Your Purpose

Who You Are

I’ve heard it called your Soul Purpose, Unique Brilliance, Soul Mission, and Life Blueprint™(1).  These are each expressions that refer to your life purpose: who you were created to be.  Your purpose is who you are naturally and the unique positive effect you have on others.  It’s what you most enjoy without even thinking about it.  Your purpose goes beyond any one role you’ve had over your lifetime.  More than what you do, it is simply who you are. Read more

Let Your Dream Inform You

(#4 in the series: Are You A Dreamer?)

Are Dreams Lofty or Practical?

Sometimes dreams already exist inside (As far back as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to…) whereas other times you consciously develop a dream (In a few years, I can picture being…).  In either case, exactly what are you supposed to do with a dream once you have one? Read more

Your Vision: Define It, Wear It, Share It

Claiming Your Life Vision

It is human nature to dream and wonder.  It is the human spirit at its best when we actually dare to claim that dream. Read more