
How Could It Go Right?

Don’t Stop There

It’s been said that people who anticipate obstacles when attempting goals are more successful because they are ready to meet those issues if and when they arise. If you want to eat better and your sweet tooth typically kicks in while watching TV, your preemptive strike might be to have fresh fruit cut up and ready to grab in the fridge. Makes sense, right? Yet there’s a critical distinction to be made: Planning for obstacles can be helpful, but surrendering to them before they even happen? Not so helpful. Read more

Move the Monkey

What a Relief!

Do you have something you’ve been dying to get off your list of things to do but just can’t seem to get around to it? Well I had one of those that was hanging around for over a year (actually more, but I prefer not to think of how long). It was something important but I just couldn’t seem to move it up the list. Other things always seemed to take priority. “Enough!” said I, one day. I declared it a project and committed to my advisory team that I would get it done within a certain time frame. I told them it was a monkey on my back and I was tired of carrying him around. Read more

What’s In Your Way?

The Scenario

Jill, a marketing director, has just been assigned a high-exposure project and great opportunity.  Without an addition to her staff, however (which she was told is unlikely), she is concerned about being able to meet the aggressive deadline. Read more