
Triumph at the Boston Marathon

There are many marathons in our lives. Some we run and some we watch. 

Her Favorite Day of the Year

Natasha lives in Boston. Calling it her favorite day of the year, she was primed to watch it. Mary Grace lives in New Jersey. Having qualified and trained, she was primed to run it.

They are cousins. They are my nieces. This year’s Boston Marathon was extra special for our family. Read more

When You See It, Celebrate It

What Started as Panic

Photo of shopping cartHere’s how my Monday morning started last week. I walked upstairs to my office and when there was no computer in sight, the feeling in the pit of my stomach told me what must have happened. That Sunday while on my way into the grocery store, I brought my laptop with me so it wouldn’t be exposed to the high heat inside the car on a June day in Scottsdale — it was 107 degrees outside. After shopping for about an hour, I quickly loaded the groceries into the car. In my haste to get home with the refrigerated items, I left my laptop in the shopping cart, lined up in the parking lot stall. Since I decided to have a computer-free Sunday afternoon, I didn’t notice it was missing until bright and early Monday morning. Read more

Mark It Complete

Graduation Day

I’ve donned a cap and gown four times in my life: graduating from kindergarten, grammar school, high school, and college. Wait a minute… I guess technically it’s three times because for my 8th-grade graduation we wore tiaras, if you can picture that one. And now that I think of it, we didn’t get caps and gowns in high school either, so make that twice in my life, not four. Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that other than for advanced academic degrees, adults don’t get much opportunity to mark significant passages. Sure there are wedding ceremonies, baby showers, birthdays, and retirement parties but what about all the other noteworthy milestones that go by without any fanfare? Read more