Key Messages
- In the Current is the conceptual framework for this website, a place to come for inspiration.
- The signature message of In the Current is to practice the artful balance of directing and allowing, of boldly setting your direction and acting within your power while patiently trusting what is unfolding.
- Life is constant change, constant movement. At any given time, you can observe where you are in a natural cycle: Your Defining Moment, Gaining Clarity, Moving Forward, Enjoying Now and Operating in a Powerfully Graceful Way.
- With Grace is the working title of a book I am currently writing about what I learned by my mother’s side during her final years when she had Alzheimer’s disease.
- Even when compromised by dementia or Alzheimer’s, our loved ones are teaching us.
- The lessons of life are universal.

Ginny’s Readers
Whether long-time clients and subscribers or new to In the Current, Ginny’s readers know how important it is to stay connected to what inspires them. Early, mid or late career, their aspirations are heartfelt. They know the value of balancing passion and drive with the ability to go with the flow and when they forget, they appreciate the reminder. They highly value being able to experience joy regardless of the challenges of the day.
Those of Ginny’s readers who have a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or other form of dementia are seeking encouragement as they manage their loved one’s care. They want to feel more than just the tragic loss and sadness. They want to learn from what their loved one is still able to teach them.
In Their Words
“Thank you for the inspiration that In the Current brings to my life. I am an avid reader of your articles and enjoy your enthusiasm to share a vision with others. Your insight into life is a gift that I must follow.”
“Ginny’s approach is motivating and thorough. I describe her style as “deceptively effective” because what comes across as light conversation later produces a profound effect.”
“I have been very encouraged by your advice and fresh perspectives, and some of these small pieces of your wisdom have made a big difference for me.”
“She reminds me how interconnected all parts of life are and that they do not need to work in opposition to each other.”
“Whether it’s a corporate workshop, life vision retreat or virtual group, Ginny’s skill of connection and warm personality come through. An effective coach with a gift for communicating with diverse styles, she is consistently professional and inspirational. Ginny is an authentic leader who does not tell you what to do, but inspires self-revelation and discovery. I am an executive coach as a result of hearing Ginny speak at a conference years ago. Her encouragement and fearless passion for doing what matters is the reason I do what I do today.”
“Every time I see one of your articles in my inbox I get a little frisson of pleasure because I know that with just a few words you will give me something meaningful and exciting to think about. Although we have never spoken, I feel like I get a regular coaching session with you with every issue.”
Bio (short)
Virginia (Ginny) Kravitz is a writer, coach, and creator of Her trademark In the Current® is the foundation and overarching theme of the work she explores with others. At the heart of this is what Ginny calls a powerfully graceful way to move.
Bio (full)
Professional Profile (PDF download)
Virginia M. Kravitz
In the Current®