Entries by Virginia Kravitz

What I Learned from My Sabbatical

Greetings to you, my friends, and all good wishes for the new year and this new decade. It’s been 15 months since I wrote to you and shared my plans for sabbatical (see: Following the Current). Even as I announced a six-month sabbatical, I had the feeling it would be a full year. Toward the end […]

Following the Current

We’re Moving Prior to our Alaska trip this past August, my husband Jess and I had taken one other cruise (in the Caribbean); but since that was many years ago, the details of what it’s like to be at sea had faded. As the ship departed from Vancouver, I was seated in a meeting room, […]

There’s Always Time to Refresh

Summer Greetings Hello! The last time I wrote to you it was spring and here we are rounding the corner of summer. So far I’ve spent the summer coaching several leaders from three different organizations and I had a great two weeks visiting family in Boston, Connecticut, and New York.

It’s in the Yes

Where is the Motivation? In the last issue entitled Design Your Time, the Call to Action was to take a fresh look at your daily and weekly routines to make sure your long-term goal is showing up on your schedule. Now let’s address the issue of motivation — getting yourself to show up to that newly allocated time slot.

Design Your Time

Determined to Reach Her Goal Sandra is a 23-year-old woman who lives in El Salvador. By working as a waitress and through a scholarship she has received from a non-profit organization called Unbound, it has become possible for Sandra to attend college and pursue a degree in literature.(1)

The Magic Sweatshirt

Can’t Help but Smile In July of this year my husband, Jess, and I took a road trip to California. We drove from Scottsdale to Los Angeles, made several stops up the Pacific Coast Highway, and got as far north as Monterey. One Sunday we stopped in Carmel for breakfast before making that winding drive along […]

Get Ready for Something Good (Part 1 of 2)

Today’s article had been sitting in draft form, for a few months. When I completed the final version, it was the week of the Las Vegas shooting. In light of that tragedy as well as the recent string of hurricanes and fires, I hesitated before broadcasting the subject line: “Get Ready for Something Good.” However, […]