A Baked Potato Conversation

(Time Period: The first few weeks after Mom moved into memory care.)

Conversation # 1: It Made Sense To Me

Six weeks after my father died, we moved my mother to a smaller assisted living community so that she could receive more personalized care. We were relieved to have found what appeared to be the perfect setting for Mom, yet we were anxious about her transition. Eager to relay everything there was to know about Grace to her caregivers, we typed a brief summary of her background and personality traits, as well as more detailed notes that covered her daily routines and preferences. The bullet points ranged from Mom’s bedtime habits to her favorite TV programs and from her clothes and most comfortable outfits to the big topic: Food. Read more

Themes That Move You

The Best Prayers Are One-Liners

In my prior post, Open To What Is Next, I relayed the time my father spoke words to me that also seemed to be his prayer: I’m in your hands. I stated that some of the best prayers are one-liners and when expressed are often spontaneous and raw. Read more

Open To What Is Next

Dad’s Words to Me

In the last year of my father’s life, it was necessary for him to have minor surgeries every few months. He rolled with these and recovered each time, able to enjoy the year with my mother in their new community where she was beginning to receive assisted living support. At this point, she was in the earlier stages of Alzheimer’s and they were able to participate in various social activities ranging from chair yoga to a singing group to dinners with new friends. Read more