Get Back In

Most of you are accustomed to my river metaphor description of what I call “living in the current”. Here’s a quick refresher, just in case. Living in the current means boldly moving in the direction you want to go with the willingness to adjust course when needed and the faith that you will be supported. It is having a deep connection to life itself. There is a sense of going for it, excitement, and movement and at the same time there is also a feeling of calm, trust, and a great appreciation for the present moment. When you act boldly and it feels right to you, you are moving into the current. When you let go and make adjustments, this is also moving with the current or as they say, going with the flow. Read more

Bucket List Twist

Put Some Zip Into Your Gifts

You’re getting a new car! You’re getting a new car! And you’re getting a new car! While most of us aren’t in the position to give as lavishly as Oprah, fortunately for us, the spirit of giving isn’t limited to our bank accounts. There are numerous opportunities to give from the heart every day. Here is an idea that will put some zip into your gifts this year, along with some additional thoughts on giving. Read more

The Effect You Have

This Week’s Profile

As I’ve shared with you recently, new things are in the works at In the Current®, including a brand new website which will launch in the near future. This week, I thought I’d give you a sneak peek at one of the profiles that will be highlighted on the new site. I selected this story because it complements the theme described in Bring It With You, last month’s article which several of you wrote to me about. Read more

You’ll Know It Then

If You Knew Then…

Yesterday a friend told me about an event she attended where Michael J. Fox was a keynote speaker. He shared a story about how when he was in high school his “nanna” told him he’d be successful in the field of acting. Michael’s nanna was known to be right about such predictions so it was her certainty that caused his family to be supportive and bolstered his confidence in becoming an actor. Read more

The Art of Abandon

More Than A Tag Line

Moving through life with greater joy and abandon. That’s the tag line for In the Current®. Over the past few years, I’ve been raising my awareness about what the “abandon” piece of that tag line means and how I want to live that more fully. A few weeks ago, after a particular event, several insights came to me and I quickly wrote them down to share with you. Read more

Bring It With You

Music & Medicine

Earlier this year I spent some time with my parents, helping out as my mother recovered from surgery. Their neighborhood pharmacy in Somers, NY is privately owned, the kind you might remember from your childhood, where the pharmacist actually knows your name. One day while stopping by to fill a prescription for my mother, the pharmacist and owner, Matt Golden, informed me it would be a few days before I could pick it up, as that particular medication needed to go through the referral process. Read more

Make It Up

Fact or Fiction?

Gathering all the facts is the first step to solving a problem, however as I stated last time: Don’t stop there (See: How Could It Go Right?). For any goal or desired outcome that hasn’t yet come to fruition, balance your pragmatic side with a healthy dose of fiction. If something you’re after feels too big to be real or simply unlikely, make up a story about how it could happen. The story might be a little “out there” or could actually feel plausible to you. All that matters is that you make it up. Read more

How Could It Go Right?

Don’t Stop There

It’s been said that people who anticipate obstacles when attempting goals are more successful because they are ready to meet those issues if and when they arise. If you want to eat better and your sweet tooth typically kicks in while watching TV, your preemptive strike might be to have fresh fruit cut up and ready to grab in the fridge. Makes sense, right? Yet there’s a critical distinction to be made: Planning for obstacles can be helpful, but surrendering to them before they even happen? Not so helpful. Read more

September is a Fresh Start

Whatever the Weather

I recently returned from a two-week vacation, visiting friends and family back east. After four years living in Arizona, I’m getting to learn the art of these visits, which includes scheduling just the right amount of activity and not packing too much in — and that goes for my suitcase, too. On this trip I had the pleasure of witnessing a friend’s wedding and spending time with my stepsons, parents, and a few other friends. I also got to escort my niece, Natasha, on shopping trips for college supplies and then surprise my niece, Olivia, by picking her up at camp and seeing her perform in a talent show. Read more

Move the Monkey

What a Relief!

Do you have something you’ve been dying to get off your list of things to do but just can’t seem to get around to it? Well I had one of those that was hanging around for over a year (actually more, but I prefer not to think of how long). It was something important but I just couldn’t seem to move it up the list. Other things always seemed to take priority. “Enough!” said I, one day. I declared it a project and committed to my advisory team that I would get it done within a certain time frame. I told them it was a monkey on my back and I was tired of carrying him around. Read more