Peace and Quiet

Peace and Quiet

When I was younger, my siblings and I would ask my father what he wanted for Christmas. His answer was always the same, “Peace and quiet is all I need.”  I’d look at him curiously and say, “But, Dad, you ask for the same thing every year.” Now I tell my father that I understand perfectly what he was after. Read more

Oil Your Lamp

“To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it.”
– Mother Teresa

To Keep a Lamp Burning

Imagine living in a time when oil lamps were prevalent?  To keep the rooms lit, you would have to frequently check the oil level in each lamp throughout the house.  The oil lamp is a timely metaphor for this evening, the first night of Hanukkah, which commemorates the rededication of the temple and the miracle of just one day’s oil supply lasting to light the menorah lamp for eight days.  It is also the first week of Advent, during which the first of four candles within a wreath is lit in hope, anticipation, and longing for divine presence to be felt in the world. Read more

What’s In Your Basket This Year?

An Exercise In Gratitude

At a recent chapter meeting of the International Coach Federation (ICF), a professional association to which I belong, we conducted a networking exercise to get to know each other better.  In rotating groups of two, each of us took turns sharing the following with a partner: 1) something we are very grateful for this year and 2) a dream we have.  The partner was instructed to “just listen” without commenting, to fully receive what the other was saying. Read more

In the Current

The “J” Word

In the last issue, Giving Words To Your Purpose, I shared that my own personal purpose is: to spread joy.  I wanted the same clarity of purpose for my business, so several months ago, I hired communications expert, Isabel Parlett, to help me identify and convey the core of my business more vibrantly. (1) Read more

Giving Words To Your Purpose

Who You Are

I’ve heard it called your Soul Purpose, Unique Brilliance, Soul Mission, and Life Blueprint™(1).  These are each expressions that refer to your life purpose: who you were created to be.  Your purpose is who you are naturally and the unique positive effect you have on others.  It’s what you most enjoy without even thinking about it.  Your purpose goes beyond any one role you’ve had over your lifetime.  More than what you do, it is simply who you are. Read more

Traveling The Distance From What You Know To How You Live

Shouldn’t You Be Able To Figure It Out Yourself?

I can hear that they are serious about making a change and interested in the coaching process.  Then comes the moment of hesitation with a silent question attached to it: Shouldn’t I be able to figure out all this stuff myself? Read more

Do It Beautifully

The Full Translation

When I was growing up in Mt. Vernon, NY, my best friend, Luisa, lived around the block from me.  We would take turns meeting at each other’s houses to play or do homework, usually some combination of both.  Over Luisa’s house, a regular routine would be to sneak into the kitchen’s walk-in pantry and head for the big jar filled with the most scrumptious cookies made by Grandma Luisa, after whom my friend was named. Sometimes the cookies would still be warm, having been added to the jar straight from the oven.  They were round like a biscuit but spongy on the inside, and lightly brown on the outside with a dusting of confectioners’ sugar.   Boy, were they good! Read more

A High Quality Problem

When Options Look Like Problems

A few years ago, my husband was discussing a business issue with a friend and was anxious to decide the best course of action.  After Jess described what was perplexing him, Bill said, “Well, you have a decision to make.  But remember, what you’ve got here is a high-quality problem.”  Jess appreciated Bill’s reminder that his problem wasn’t in the category of something to worry over.  It simply called for his creativity and either way, he couldn’t lose. Read more

Exploring Your Options

Opening To What Is Possible

Years ago while working with a career counselor to determine what I wanted to do next, she gave me a research assignment.  I thought, “Okay, research, that sounds good,” but when I set out to do it, I was tempted to try and figure it all out even before I had gathered all the facts.  At first I measured everything against what was familiar, not really giving what was possible a fair chance.  As inventor Charles F. Kettering said: “People are very open-minded about new things – as long as they’re exactly like the old ones.” Read more

Don’t Rest On Your Laurels — Ride Them!

Horn Tooting As A Necessity

Fresh out of college and starting my corporate career, I was advised to keep an attagirl file – a place to collect letters of praise for a job well done that I might receive from coworkers or customers.  Since this was before e-mail, these letters had a formality to them and were called Letters of Commendation.  Over the years, the practice became more casual as the folders filled with more e-mails than letters. Read more