An Important Pause

Make a Date with Yourself

Each December, I write about the importance of reflecting on the year that is drawing to conclusion.  As we begin to settle in to winter, it is the perfect time for an important pause.  This practice is very grounding and provides gifts that can be received only in solitude. Read more

Choosing To Be Grateful

“To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted…
Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.”
— Albert Schweitzer

Why is Gratitude Important?

“Count your blessings” has become a trite expression.  We know we should be grateful and in fact, often say we are but do we truly feel it?  Why is it even important to be grateful?  Here are three reasons: Read more

Expanding Your Horizon

Winter Stirrings

Last January, I shared with you my intention to set goals for the year with a bit less structure, allowing my vision to guide me in a more intuitive fashion, with an emphasis on flexibility.  The winter that followed was full of stirrings and events that underscored the intention I had set.  I had a calm feeling, however, that the stirrings would somehow move me forward.  I didn’t know what they meant – just that a shift was occurring. Read more

Get Curious

When You Just Don’t Know

I could tell from our very first conversation that this was a woman who likes to take charge.  She was known at work for her ability to make things happen.  As she told me her long-term plans to pursue a bold new endeavor, she acknowledged that sometimes she could be impatient.  In fact, dealing with the unknowns caused her some anxiety and even insomnia.  Although she was excited about the changes she was putting into motion, not knowing exactly how everything would turn out made her uncomfortable. Read more

Decisions with Impact

Making Big Decisions

Perhaps you’ve been trying some of the tips outlined in the last issue for dealing with daily dilemmas.  How do you handle the weightier decisions that have an even greater impact on your life?  Following are several approaches you can use. Read more

How Do You Decide?

Decisions, Decisions

When I was growing up and having a difficult time making a decision, my father would tell me about the proverbial horse that starved to death while deciding between two bails of hay.  This story has its origins in a similar tale told by Aristotle in which a man who has access to both food and drink remains unmoved because he is as hungry as he is thirsty.  When faced with what we perceive as equivalent choices, the result can be a state of terminal indecision. Read more

Creating Your OASIS

A 60-Second Strategy

The last two issues have addressed what to do When Overwhelm is on the Rise. This uncomfortable feeling can actually be a helpful indicator, if you pause long enough to ask, “What do I need?”  The answer might point you to: a better organizational system, communicating more clearly, letting go of something, or simply realizing that you are at your limit and need a break. Read more

Selecting from Your Menu

“I’ll have one of everything.”

Imagine you are out to dinner with a friend at a popular new restaurant.  The waiter asks what you would like to have and you proceed to order every item on the menu!  While this may be tempting, you know that it is neither possible nor desirable to consume all that food.  You must make a selection. Read more

Is Pressure Your Paradigm?

Pressure Motivates

Pressure is a necessary component of life.  Without it, many things would never be accomplished.  A looming deadline, for example, spurs a project to completion. Read more

Salute to Freedom

What is Freedom?

Is freedom something bestowed or declared?  Is it earned, claimed, or innately present?  Ask ten people and you will receive as many answers.  In the personal realm, we measure freedom in terms of our own health, our work, our choices, time, finances, and obligations.  In the larger context of society and the world, freedom is measured in terms of governance, security, economics, religion, and self-expression.  There is also freedom as it exists within the landscape of our minds and hearts. Read more