September is a Fresh Start

Whatever the Weather

I recently returned from a two-week vacation, visiting friends and family back east. After four years living in Arizona, I’m getting to learn the art of these visits, which includes scheduling just the right amount of activity and not packing too much in — and that goes for my suitcase, too. On this trip I had the pleasure of witnessing a friend’s wedding and spending time with my stepsons, parents, and a few other friends. I also got to escort my niece, Natasha, on shopping trips for college supplies and then surprise my niece, Olivia, by picking her up at camp and seeing her perform in a talent show.

As I spent time in New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Maine, I drank in the sights of lush green trees everywhere and noticed some early foliage, flashing color already. Even though we have one full month of summer heat left to go in Arizona, I still have that back-to-school feeling and the anticipation of fresh autumn days.

“This is our new year.” That was one of the lines sung by the chorus in Olivia’s talent show finale. I received it as an invitation to wrap up the loose ends of summer and, while not rushing its remaining days, to begin thinking about what I’d like to delve into this fall.

September: Your New Year

This week, I’ll be updating my Short and Mighty List, completing summer projects, and plotting out my fall activities. What’s on your list? I’ve heard from some of you about the “monkey” you’re working on moving. What summer routines are winding down? What would you like to start afresh this September?

Fall Focus

Declaring one thing to accomplish or focus on already moves you in that direction. The new season supports and invigorates your plans.

This Week — Carve out your Fall Focus:

  • 1 important project to sink your teeth into (career or business related)
  • 1 fitness goal or new routine to try
  • 1 thing for fun …for your own interest, education, or enjoyment.

“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink,
taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of each.”
— Henry David Thoreau

Here's to you,
Ginny Kravitz's signature

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