What Are You Craving? Amazing What Can Happen in 10 Minutes On Fridays last month, spa-goers at The Lamar Everyday Spa here in Scottsdale were invited to “Take 10” with me and have ten minutes of life coaching as part of their spa experience. While ten minutes is certainly just a sample of coaching, I was amazed once again at what can transpire in that short time. So were the people who participated. Perhaps it’s because the time constraint required us to get to the heart of the matter quickly. One of the most evocative questions seemed to be: What Are You Craving? Much more than asking: “What goal would you like to make progress on?” the question, “What are you craving?” produced a bottom-line answer that helped us go right to the area most ripe for decisions and action. I’m tempted to share with you some of the answers I heard, however I’ll wait to do that in a future issue, because right now, I am most interested in your answer. Tell Me What You Are Craving This week’s coaching invitation comes in two parts: Part 1: Simply ask yourself the question: What am I craving? We’re not talking about chocolate here. Take this to the heart and soul level. It might be in the personal or professional realm, just as long as it’s something you yearn for deeply. Once you answer, you might also elaborate a bit:
Part 2: Please share your answer with me by sending me an email with “craving” in the subject line. There are two reasons to do this. First, your answer to this question helps me fashion programs, tools, and coaching tips that will be spot-on for you. Secondly, there’s something in it for you immediately... Take 10 or Take 25 It’s my pleasure to offer you two incentives to share your thoughts with me, my way of saying thank you: Take 10 or Take 25. Take 10 with the Coach — Have your own Take 10 coaching session with me. We’ll schedule it via email and the coaching will take place by phone. Experience what those spa-goers did from the comfort of your home or office. —or— Take $25 — Enjoy a $25 credit toward any product or program offered at inthecurrent.com. This is also a great idea if you’re planning to give a gift certificate to someone over the holidays. Take your pick! These incentives are available now through January ’09 to Current of Life subscribers and friends with whom you share this article. “When we tire of well-worn ways,
we seek for new. Here's to you, |